Can there be a better word for 2024 than optimizing? Is the new generation going to be known as the optimizing generation? I guess there is nothing inherently wrong with optimizing. I guess? Then again, I'm not sure. I suppose we can leave this up to debate.
But it’s not always best and oftentimes what we’re trying to optimize is downright silly. And who’s optimizing? The following are some examples of things I see being argued about on the internet this week. The first one was looking at whether bananas are hurting the other nutrients of the fruits mixed with your smoothie. Really? Did you know that 12.3% of the population are consuming the recommended intake of fruit daily in the United States? Yet some influencers are bashing bananas? The banana study is false. They are fine!
Also, this week the debate about protein intake rages on. And not even whether we need it. Of course we do, but at what exact gram we need it individually! Look, some metrics are great, but are we getting carried away? How many grams of protein does a gorilla get? I am not sure either, but they are pretty jacked. At best, according to the research only 50% of Americans are even attempting to stick to a healthful diet, but we are arguing about perfecting protein.
Here are some more debates: oatmeal; good or bad? Fasting-cardio superior to non-fasting cardio? Rep ranges in the gym. Some of these are ongoing and will never end. According to research, less than 20% of Americans are doing the bare minimum of cardiorespiratory exercise and strength training weekly. Yet, the optimizers are sweating the details. Let them. Who cares?
I get it. It is typically people super interested in a topic arguing with others that are also super interested or invested. Fitness is not only my job but my hobby. I love looking at different studies. But I am aware enough to know that most experts and dare I say influencers are asking the wrong questions. And influencers are not experts! The question should not be about what is best. The question should be how we get more people to exercise and more people to eat healthier. We should be asking how we get more Americans to the mean.
We live in a country of feast or famine. We do have some extremely fit citizens! And we have more unfit citizens than any other country in the world. Can't we balance this? Can’t we become a country of more moderation? I believe in the fact that we are only as strong as our weakest link. We all impact each other.
Here is the problem with the influencers fighting on the internet. It trickles down to the masses. Things get retweeted and shared and the person that is trying to get started reads it and gets confused. The paralysis of analysis kicks in and they do not do anything. Someone might counter with people should be aware enough to not be easily led. That might be true. But two things can be true at the same time. And the influencers need to be more responsible for their part. Here is the problem with that, they will not. They cannot. Why? They are not educated. Most simply do not know better.
Research shows that less than 20% of fitness influencers on social media have even the most basic of training. Less than 20% have ANY credentials. They are not the experts. They are the loudest. They are possibly the fittest (looking), but as I have always said, you cannot ask a racehorse how it got fast. I mean you could, but you will not get an answer. And you might get a similar blank stare if you were to ask an influencer. If fitness influencers are so inclined to be famous and tell you what to do, why would they not be disciplined to get the proper education? They are busting people for their lack of discipline to eat well, and they won’t discipline themselves to study. I’m sorry but looking the part is not enough. We can’t change them. We can change you. You can change you. You need to learn who to follow and who to listen to. Can you stop looking for an optimized plan and simply follow common sense and eat better and exercise?
Read these:
Around 2000 B.C.E the Egyptians introduced structured fitness training to the world
In 386 B.C.E Plato invented physical education
Somewhere between 460 and 370 B.C.E Hippocrates wrote the first exercise prescription
The first gym membership is reported to be in 1848 owned by a man named Hippolyte Triat
Jerick Revilla invented the modern-day pushup in 1905
Do you really think there are new things under the sun? We’ve known about exercise for centuries. Sure, there have been some modern advances, but they really are few and far in between as far as what brings value to increasing fitness. We still haven’t learned that much about executing this knowledge and getting to the gym.
Let’s walk away from optimizing the perfect way to eat and exercise. Let’s instead do all we can to get ourselves on a regular, sustainable, exercise program. How do we get our friends to exercise if they aren’t? We should tell them why it works for us. When I was in my teens and overweight, I felt awful about myself. When I got into shape, the world changed. We talk more about what we were like, what we did to change that and how we feel now. The internet debates will always be there. Before this they argued at the “water fountain.” We can choose what we take part in. Do you want to be part of the problem or solution?
I choose to be part of the solution.